Dallas Mikvah Directory

Dallas Mikvah Directory

Or HaTorah

Women’s Mikvah

Mikveh Israel
Call (972) 776-0037 for an appointment.
Leave a message by 5:00 p.m. the day before a desired appointment.

Member – $100 annually and $15 per visit
Non-member – $40 per visit

Questions – contact Cindy Winston by email or phone at 214-868-4455.

Keilim Mikvah (Kitchen Utensils/Vessels)

Outside on the west side of the building of the women’s mikvah.

Men’s Mikvah

Ohr HaTorah
Shul Members: $250
Non-members: $350
Contact: office@ohtd.org

Mikvah Israel Dallas – “Premiere” Women’s Mikvah

Mikvah Israel Dallas

Tiferet Israel – Self Serve Mikvah

Tiferet Israel Mikvah